THE HARD-ONS release new album 'Ripper 23' out on 2nd June on Golden Robot Records

THE HARD-ONS release new album 'Ripper 23' out on 2nd June on Golden Robot Records. 

Presave/preorder 'Ripper 23' here: 
Golden Robot Records will release The Hard-Ons’ new album, ‘Ripper 23’, worldwide outside of Australia on 2 June. The single, “Apartment For Two”, is out 5 May. The Hard-Ons are Ray Ahn, Peter Black, Murray Ruse and new kid, You Am I vocalist and songwriter, Tim Rogers.
The new single, “Apartment For Two”, is a frenetic pop-punk blast; three delicious minutes of squealing guitars, pounding drums, pulverising bass, and sitting atop – like a semi-detached ring-pull – is Rogers’ intense ‘tude-laden vocals. A perfect slab of what constitutes The Hard-Ons, circa 2023. The song was co-written by Rogers and Black.
Stream/buy 'Apartment For Two' HERE
The album ‘Ripper 23’ is The Hard-Ons through and through. Their 14th studio album, ‘Ripper 23’ is their second with Tim Rogers out front, but their first with Rogers as a fully integrated member, contributing to songwriting and arrangements. The difference is palpable, and the album will be an absolute treat to the ears of fans old, new and indifferent. 

The striking cover art and album title are inspired adaptations of the crass and outrageously sexist 1970s chart compilations unique to the Australian music marketplace (no, really, check them out!). But in the hands of The Hard-Ons, it’s really just a bit cheeky.
‘Ripper 23’ will be released on 2 June on varied coloured vinyl formats, black vinyl, CD and cassette. Oh, and something about digital whatever. All on Golden Robot Records.


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