SINGLE REVIEW: The Marra - What She Does To Me
I’m shining the light once again on The Marra, a band-duo from Derry, Ireland. They carry a blend of 90’s Brit-pop, Strokes-esque indie and share a love of the Beatles.
It’s great to hear another track from them, writing up a short review previously on their single “I Can’t Sleep” of which I grew to become a fan of. Now I have the pleasure to review a completely different direction from them.
“What She Does To Me” infuses that iconic 60’s laid back “doo-wop” chord sequences with modern 2000’s indie in this little romantic track that describes a love and admiration of a girl that arises sweet questions.
I love that it is a very short, sweet and repetitive track, a part of me feels it’s too short so I feel a lingering sense of want for more as I am unsatisfied with the abrupt ending. Additionally, I feel it has a Beatles-esque formula and way of lyric writing, an overall compliment to great songwriting.
The slower shuffle, percussion creates quite a playful atmosphere, the bass drives the track forward, the friendly clean guitars are setback with the vocals with a slight effect that creates a vintage sound. Quite a fan of the subtleties in the background too with ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ that are quite catchy and singable.
On a side note, the single artwork is to the point of a record with the title, featuring a pretty angel, bonus points of being turquoise - my favourite colour. Teehee.
Even though I’m a fan of The Marra’s Grittier single, “What She Does To Me’ wins over the hopeless romantic in me and I’m sure the classic sound will win over a friendly crowd.