Scarsun Release First Single With New Vocalist'Better Than Drowning' Is Out 26/01/2024
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Scarsun are an alternative metal band formed in the Valleys of South Wales by guitarist Matt Hall.
Their sound is a blend of clean pop vibes with heavy, filthy riffs and melodies dripping with chorus and reverb.
Scarsun joined the Earache Digital Distribution roster by invitation following a gig supporting Welsh legends Dub War at the Earache Records Christmas party.
January 26th 2024 will see the release of 'Better Than Drowning' the first single to feature new Singer and Lyricist Melody Shads at the helm.
On joining the band and, with the music already recorded with producer Jeff Rose (of Dub War, Skindred, Bullet For My Valentine fame), Melody wrote the lyrics immediately after hearing the track and recorded the vocals in a single Sunday morning session.
Touching on themes of struggle and resilience, the track is loaded with metaphors which allow the listener to interpret the lyrics in their own way and relate them to their own personal experiences. The message is clear though, - No matter what problems come your way, you will always find a way through. Fight for what you believe in and always stand tall and know your worth!
“For myself, the chorus holds a special meaning in particular. This song is about resilience and I have faced scenarios where I have been made to feel what I was feeling was wrong as it was outside of the 'social norms'. This is a middle finger to those who try to tell you how to live your life. Truth is, only you know what makes you happy and you should always persevere with that.” - Melody (Vocals)
Melody Shads - Vocals
Matt Hall - Guitar
Aaron Jukes - Guitar
Jim McDonald - Bass
Nathan Miles – Drums