Michael Bernard Fitzgerald Explores Building Love on Upbeat Pop Folk Track "Forever and Always," Taken from Upcoming 'Horizon Lines' Album
In 2024, following the success of his most acclaimed record to date, Love Valley, Calgarian singer-songwriter Michael Bernard Fitzgerald is set to release his sixth full-length album, Horizon Lines. Created throughout the transformative journey of entering fatherhood, the new music continues to weave together soulful sounds and introspective words, reaffirming a dedication to crafting songs that speak to the heart.
Fitzgerald is now sharing the album’s second single, the bright and driving “Forever and Always,” co-produced and recorded with Josh Gwilliam Its pristine acoustic guitar and anticipatory percussion provide the backdrop for what Fitzgerald refers to as a song akin to “the dance we do when finding a partner and building a love.”
Listen to “Forever and Always” HERE.
There are hopes and dreams we have for ourselves in love and then there is also the capacity we have to give and receive that care. So much growth is needed to truly partner, to truly get past parts of ourselves to really become a team. ‘I want love this time’ talks about building something with substance for the first time, getting past my own pitfalls.‘Teach me how to confidently say, forever and always’ - be that constant for one another, as we learn to get past some of the same blockages and hurdles. – Michael Bernard Fitzgerald
Our front door, the chores, the good, the bad, the boring
The kids, the dogs, the snoring
I want to build a home
Michael Bernard Fitzgerald is a Canadian singer-songwriter known for his heartfelt melodies and simple, honest lyrics that resonate deeply with listeners. Fitzgerald’s warm and calm sound is marked by a profound, unfeigned commitment to making songs that inspire hope and connection.
Both on and off stage, Fitzgerald’s down-to-earth personality is the foundation to the connection he finds with both fans and fellow musicians. His warm smile and genuine demeanor compose an approachable charm that instantly puts people at ease in the same way the music does. His songs find you like a friend and the feelings they leave you will linger long after the show’s over. Fitzgerald is driven by a passion for connecting people through music and he’ll continue to inspire audiences – one show, one song, one fan at a time.