I was really excited for this not just because I'm a massive KAVES fan but it was my first ever in-store show so I was interested to see how it would play out. I arrived and it felt a bit chaotic. Neither the bands nor the staff seemed to quite know what was going on. At one point it looked like KAVES would be playing a full acoustic set however it eventually became clear (ish) The Marijanovic would play acoustic then KAVES would be able to set to play with a full band. It was a little confusing and definitely something HMV would need to iron out if they ever up the instore ante and decided to put on paid gigs. Which I hope they do as it's a great setup for live music.
Anyway, confusion over it was time for The Marijanovic, the alias of Norwich based singer/songwriter Kyle Adams who had enlisted his buddy Gabe to accompany him on guitar. I must admit from having a little listen on my way to the city I was concerned how the sound would translate to fully acoustic as recorded it's a bit of everything from electronica to rock to rap but I needn’t have worried they nailed it! Infact I would go as far as to say I liked the stripped back vibe more as it really showcased Kyle's astonishing voice which poured with passion and raw emotions. It was epic and couldn't help but captivate.
The sound was massive despite the set's acoustic nature; it had hints of Muse as well as sounding somewhat gothic in parts. There were also some funky moments and times when Kyle's voice had symphonic, maybe even slightly operatic tones. The words were macabre with an overall darkness however the set was anything but depressing, it drew you in like a moth to the flame and kept your attention making you want to hear more.
Kyle did inject some humour by getting the moderate crowd to sing 'Happy Birthday' to Gabe who looked totally embarrassed and like he wanted the floor to swallow him up!
This was my first encounter with The Marijanovic, I was blown away and look forward to seeing Kyle play a full band set.

I'm to the point now where I'm not sure what I can say about KAVES that's not already been said. They are consistently incredible. Regardless of setting or crowd they conduct themselves with pure class and professionalism. They are confident but humble, Catlin sometimes appears to lack assertiveness in her own ability but I think that's part of why she's such an endearing frontwoman. KAVES are a band you can always trust to put on a good show, if you watch them live having never heard a single song I guarantee they will win you over.
Their show in HMV was a more stripped back affair, not quite the acoustic gig Caitlin kept referring to it as but a much more placid set than people who know KAVES are used to. It included some standard live favourites and some older songs that they don't often play live such as 'Pushing Daisies', each track adapting perfectly to the more low key scenario. I don't think the band quite realised what the deal would be playing an instore and you could tell they were far more nervous than they had been at the previous shows I've been too. Caitlin was much less chatty between songs and Tim's rocking out was far more sedate (although this was partly down to lack of space) however musically you'd not have known there were any nerves at all, everything was perfect. I'd go as far as to say it was probably one of the best vocal performances I've heard from Caitlin.
A few songs had to be modified to make them family friendly as the store was still open to shoppers while the gig was going on. The word cocaine in 'Ignore Me' being replaced with incompressible words and "fuck" being omitted in 'I Just Want My Hoodie Back' only for Caitin to follow it up by forgetting to change "crap" which made me smile.
There was a nice little crowd both of people who were obviously fans of the band and there for the gig and shoppers who liked what they heard enough to stop and watch. Their sound worked well in the setting and proved their versatility. Unfortunately at a mere half an hour long it was over before you knew it but as always definitely made an impact!
I say it every time but KAVES are one of the most hardworking local bands I've come across who never shy away from a new challenge, their an epic mix of sounds not scared to push boundaries, they're one of the best live bands I've seen and as an added bonus they're really bloody nice people. If they don't go far it's an absolute travesty!
On a side note, for the first time Caitlin didn't bring her own mic stand and it simply isn't KAVES without flowers and fairy lights!