Hannah Wicklund releases new album & Troubadour concert film


“This set at the star-making LA bolthole confirms that she can smash it live”
Classic Rock
“Indicative of the raw power and hold she has over her audience”
Far Out Magazine 
“Hannah Wicklund’s Live At The Troubadour captures the electrifying essence of her live performances”
Blues Matters
“It’s abundantly clear Wicklund has the entire room on her side”
HRH Magazine
“Hannah remains utterly in command throughout”
Blues In Britain
“Is worthy of our undivided attention”

Hannah Wicklund has released her new album Live At The Troubadour to great acclaim via her own Strawberry Moon Records. The album is available to purchase/stream now here.
Live At The Troubadour was recorded at her March 2024 performance at the legendary Troubadour in Los Angeles as part of her Hell In The Hallway world tour. To celebrate the album release Hannah has now released the entire concert footage on YouTube which is available to watch now here.
Hannah’s captivating performance along with her full band sees them playing hits and fan favourites from across her two hugely praised albums Hannah Wicklund and the Steppin Stones (2018) and The Prize (2024).
Regarding the live album Hannah says, “Performing music for a live audience is such a beautiful exchange of energy, and certainly the place I find my balance and inner peace. It has always been an intimate experience for me and one that cannot be recreated or replicated the same way twice. The night of my first headlining show at the Troubadour was the first time I have been able to capture and harness that experience to be shared, and it was a magical and monumental moment in my life I will never forget. Truly one for the books.

My latest record The Prize means the absolute world to me, so having my first live record come of the tour where I found my footing as not only an artist, but most importantly as a woman, is indescribably perfect. The path to this point has been strife with obstacles, but Live At The Troubadour now serves as living proof that believing in yourself and your dreams is always a worthy cause, whoever you may be.”
Following the Hell In The Hallway world tour which saw Hannah perform sold out shows throughout North America, the UK and Europe, Hannah continued to carve an impressive live path in 2024 and played to capacity arenas across North America in support of Deep Purple. Hannah Wicklund has more live dates for 2025 to be announced soon.



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