Electronic artist dné announces new album Basic Living & shares new single ‘Traps In My Feed’ via Platoon
Electronic artist dné announces new album
Basic Living via Platoon
Watch / share new single ‘Traps In My Feed’ here
Basic Living is out on June 19th
FFO: Ricky Eat Acid
“Wholly personal and beautifully detailed, his lush and steady ambient instrumentals offered the kind of album that quietly swallowed you whole” GoldFlakePaint
“Like inspecting the pauses in conversation that are present in the everyday, dné will make listeners want to ruminate on the smaller details of their lives that may be undeservingly overlooked.” EARMILK
“dné will have you in blissful melancholy” Wonderland
dné (d-neh) is the moniker of Prague based ambient-electronic producer Ondřej Holý. On June 19th, he is set to release his long awaited second album Basic Living via Platoon. Today, alongside the news, comes new single ‘Traps In My Feed’.
‘Traps In My Feed’ is a song about escaping the clutches of technology in order to create. “So this time I hid it under the pillow / Went to the white shelf and fired up the synth / One song is more than a milli red circles / Basic math that I understand / How something this silly can hold me /But not now, pillow’s got me” sings Slovakian artist FVLCRVM atop a beat that Holý made using coconut shells and his parent’s tiled terrace floor. The accompanying video for ‘Traps In My Feed’, made by Luboš Vacke, continues the theme of postponing things that need to be done.
At its core, dné’s new album is about being at home, watching YouTube videos and feeling that life is ok. However, many other subjects are explored; including dating and its many ups and downs, living with chronic health conditions and even taking pictures of plants in cafes for social media content.
“I like the idea of reclaiming the term ‘basic’. Nowadays, when we say something or someone is basic it is viewed as being lame. But in the end we all are kinda basic, chasing the same feelings and wanting to fill our lives with things that have similar motivations,” explains Holý.
Sonically, compared to dné’s debut album These Semi Feelings, They Are Everywhere (2016, Majestic Casual), on which he deliberately limited his means of expression, Basic Living is much more colourful. Great emphasis is placed on organic beats, field recordings and lo-fi aesthetics. Pure ambient passages blend with sampled and sung voices, ethereal vintage synth pads, a variety of classical instruments and midwest emo influenced guitars.
“With this album I really wanted to try things I hadn't done before, things like cutting samples into a sequence (Romantic Options, Entertainment) and making arpeggio melodies (Sunday Boost),” says Holý. “I also wanted to try to write a song with pop vocals (Traps In My Feed) and pure guitar tracks (Illnesses Are Dumb, Entertainment).”
The new album comes seven years after the release of dné’s debut album These Semi Feelings, They Are Everywhere, which won two Czech music awards for Best Album (Vinyla, Apollo) and one for Best Electronic Album (Anděl). Since the release of his debut album, Holý has been composing scores for a number of films and TV series, namely the HBO documentary film Nothing Like Before and a series for Czech TV called Pět let / Five years.
Plant Pics
Romantic Options
Traps In My Feed
Basic Living
Sunday Boost
Thanks For Getting Me Home
Illnesses Are Dumb