Breath of Fresh Perspectives: RACHAEL RANSOM’s Debut Record “sixty seven ten” Out Now!

“Adele mixed with Amy Winehouse” - Melodic Magazine

“The guitar work in the track is truly mesmerizing, played with skill and wonderfully harmonizes with the vocals.” - LILA Playlists

“Fantastic voice” - Music Minds

RACHAEL RANSOM’s debut record, sixty seven ten, acts as a review mirror of her life. Now streaming everywhere via Vancouver Adapted Music Society, the album’s dreamy folk-pop signature offers fresh perspectives on life, setting the stage for a truly mesmerizing and uplifting listening experience. Drawing comparisons to Adele and Amy Winehouse from various media outlets, the record puts a show-stopping spotlight on Ransom’s powerhouse vocal range. A stunning songwriter in her own right, sixty seven ten, is not only a harmonious masterpiece but, a defining moment of artistry. It was produced by Bryden Veinot and Noah Stotle in Vancouver, British Columbia. 

Stream sixty seven ten Here!

"I'm so excited for the release of my debut album sixty seven ten. These songs are little pieces of me, they act as a time capsule, preserving memories from a life well lived. I look forward to being able to share this with the world and hope that others will relate to the messages in each song. This album is dedicated to my grandpa Bob, who always said he'd be my manager one day, and my dear friend, Dave, who was the best drummer I've ever known," says Ransom.

Hoping the world will hear pieces of their own lives and relatability in her songs, sixty seven ten, is a journey of finding new perspectives despite life’s struggles. Heavily influenced by Bob Dylan, Adele and Joni Mitchell, its encouraging melodies carry throughout all ten tracks. This debut album saw support from premiere media outlets such as Vancouver Sun, Hidden-Beats, Phosphor Magazine, Click Roll Boom and more along with airplay from Radio Waterloo, Peach City Radio, CFUV Radio, and CITR Radio. 

The album’s debut single “Ballad Queen” offers a slight jazzy undertone to the record. Released in March 2024, the airy single reverberates Ransom’s incredible vocal stylings. The song saw support from Exclaim Magazine!, Soulwaves, Canadian Beats and more. The second single, “Red’ followed in April 2024 with a national premiere on CITR Radio’s All Access Pass Show. An inspirational anthem about living with a disability and reclaiming inner power, It represents what it's like to be frustrated with things in life that are outside of your control, offering a positive outlook. 


Canadian Singer-songwriter, Rachael Ransom wishes she was born in the 70s. Hailing from Vancouver, BC, she writes songs instead of going to therapy, finds euphoria in creating something from nothing, and smiles whenever someone asks if that’s her real name (Yes, it is!). She loves finding meaning in words, carving melodies into simple chords and finds comfort in the fact that there’s nothing new under the sun. 



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