Punk rock has seen something of a renaissance of late, displayed most vividly by the unexpected crossover success of Turnstile, and, closer to home, by the likes of Chubby and the Gang. Similarly, the Australian music scene has been flourishing, thanks to acts such as King Gizzard, Amyl and The Sniffers and Courtney Barnett, so this appears to be an opportune time for Queensland’s The Chats.
There’s no one quite like them. They’re pushing the accelerator right to the floor, and there’s no sign of them hitting the brakes any time soon. It’s fast, crass, and loaded with more instantly quotable Aussie idioms than Crocodile Dundee and Hunter put together.
Opener ‘6L GTR’, inspired by a number plate, falls on their thrashing guitars and wailing vocals to paint an eerily vivid image. Imagine Dr. Feelgood meets the Ramones. ‘I’ve Been Drunk in Every Pub in Brisbane’ is a rip-roaring highlight, showcasing the group’s ability to immaculately mix truth with absolute nonsense. Their particular brand of punk never pauses for breath: it’s thirteen unabating tracks, fired up on adrenaline and the thrill of just not giving a shit. They fearlessly strike back at the ugly side of surfer culture (‘Emperor of the Beach’), rage about dodging train fares (‘Ticket Inspector‘) and emulate the pounding, spiraling feeling of pressing anxiety (‘Panic Attack’). All of it is done without ever relenting. It’ll have you bracing yourself against the roof of that car, but there’s no mercy here. Instead, you emerge from that brief journey pumped up and ready to go.