38 COFFIN (surf-punk) keep the ghouls at bay with Leopard Spots
38 COFFIN (Seattle WA)
Album: Leopard Spots (out 4/23)
Singles: Dead Surfer Girl
Road Queen
Leopard Spots
RIYL: surf-punk, horror-rock, garage
FFO: The Cramps, Dick Dale, Johnny Thunders
As the sun gives up its fight, with just a sliver of it left now, casting orange and red patches across the landscape, dark blue sky overhead, cooling pavement passing beneath the wheels of a ’73 Monte Carlo doing 70 on the westbound side, black on black, strange music spilling from its windows in the late summer evening. Headed home on the outskirts of Plague Town.
Bawdy women, dazzling in the romance of being bad and the irrefutable allure of a woman who wreaks destruction in her path… you don’t want to get in her way, but when you do it feels so damn good you almost don’t mind.
The outskirts of town seethe with desolation; the marked absence of friends gone forever, the cloying humidity of summer heat dragging on too long, and unlucky ingenues broken down by the world. Twilight sliding inexorably into darkness. The only reprieve is a box of tapes, reliably good – no unwanted possibilities. You can just stick your hand in there are come out with something that feels right the second it slips into the tape deck. Once the sun has disappeared completely, crank it up and let it blister out into the night. Just make it dark and swampy, and the ghouls will be kept at bay.
38 COFFIN live dates:
May 08 - Schaerbeek @ Filousophe
May 09 - Bochum @ Wageni
May 10 - Bielefeld @ Extra Blues Bar
May 11 - Koln @ Sonic Ballroom
May 12 - Bonn @ Kult41
May 15 - Hamburg @ Molotow
May 16 - Leipzig @ Tonellia
May 17 - Berlin @ Wild At Heart
Lauren Goffin: vox, guitar
Dain Hudson: drums
Lindsay Scarey: bass
Andre Maguire: guitar